Expert Tips to Get Your Newborn to Sleep Through the Night

Are you at wit’s end trying to rock your newborn to deep slumber? The struggle is real!
It comes as no surprise that parents of newborns are severely sleep-deprived. In fact, on average, they only get less than 5 hours of sleep every night! That’s not good for both the parent and the baby. Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of mishaps.
No one wants that to happen, of course. To help you with this normal newborn sleep physiology, we've collated the best tips from the experts.
Why your newborn won’t sleep through the night
Newborns sleep a lot. The problem is, they haven’t adjusted to a regular sleeping pattern yet. They get a total of 8 to 9 hours of sleep during the day and 8 hours of sleep at night.
Even with all those hours, it can feel like they’re not sleeping all that much because they do it in short segments. This is because they get hungry often. Their small tummies can’t hold that much milk that’s why they need to be fed often.
How to help your newborns create a good sleep-wake pattern
Teach your newborn the difference between night and day
Keeping your newborn alert and active during the day helps according to the National Health Service (NHS). Opening the curtains, going for a morning walk, and playing can help your little one distinguish the difference.
At night, let your baby know that it’s time to sleep by keeping the light low, keeping your voice quiet, and putting him/her down as soon as feeding is done.
Offer a pacifier
If your baby has trouble settling down at night, the Mayo Clinic suggests giving a pacifier a try. Pacifiers can help soothe fussy babies and help them fall and stay asleep. It also helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
It is beneficial for both the baby and the parent to sleep in one room. It’ll help give you both a better nighttime rest. Some parents, however, are wary about this idea because of SIDS.
To prevent SIDS when co-sleeping, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends using a baby bassinet, crib, or a portable play yard with a firm mattress and fitted sheets.
The AAP also recommends keeping toys, loose blankets, and bumpers away from where the baby sleeps.
Create a consistent, soothing nighttime routine
As it is in adults, a soothing nighttime routine helps newborns fall asleep according to Stanford Children’s Health. Gently rocking your baby, playing soft music, and singing can lull babies to sleep.
Although calming, it’s best not to bathe newborns every night. You can give your baby a sponge bath instead. Just make sure that you use warm water, and that you clean and wipe one section of your baby’s tiny body at a time.
Have you tried any of these? Let us know which one worked for you!